February: To Do
If you print out this page, you should get little boxes
where the bullets are, making this a check list.

Oh, and if you really think that I actually do all of these
things, you are terribly confused. Sometimes I even (gasp)
do things that aren't on this list.
I can only guarrentee this list is accurate for the things that
I grow. I do not grow every item on this list. This list
is targetted to Sunset Zone 14,
specifically, and I think it is good for all of USDA Zone 9. In
addition, it is probably pretty accurate for USDA Zones 10-11.
What's in bloom? Almonds, dutch iris, daffodils, mound of snow.
General (or it never ends)
Trees, Shrubs, and Vines
- Plant bare root lilacs.
- Against walls or fences, plant Carolina jessamine (Gelsemium
sempervirens), evergreen clematic (C. armandii), Hardenbergia
violacea 'Happy Wanderer', H.v. 'Rosea', Jasminum polyanthum,
Pandorea Jasminoides, and trumpet vine (Clytostoma callistegioides).
These are vigorous vines and can grow to 20 feet or more.
- Cut back woody plants such as artemisia, butterfly bush,
fuchsia, and Mexican bush sage. Cut back woody stems close to
the ground to keep plants from getting leggy.
Lawns and Ground Covers
Container Gardens
Kitchen Garden: Vegetables and Herbs
- Order tomatoes seeds.
- Start seeds of broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower indoors.
You can also start eggplant, pepper, and tomato seeds if you
have the means to give them bottom heating.
- Plant seeds of beets, carrots, chard, lettuce, peas, and
- Set out articokes and asparagus, seedlings of broccali, cabbage,
cauliflower, and celery if it is warm enough.
House, greenhouse, or conservatory plants
Other: Structural and Special
- Don't be like me! Clean your hummingbird feeder every 4 days!
To Do Index

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