June: To Do

If you print out this page, you should get little boxes where the bullets are, making this a check list.

Oh, and if you really think that I actually do all of these things, you are terribly confused. Sometimes I even (gasp) do things that aren't on this list.

June in beautiful in northern Californian coastal/inland valleys. The central valley is getting really warm, but the coast is still cool. That weather pattern causes the coastal fog to come inland to the valleys. Fog is wonderful stuff. It cleans out the air and keeps the temperatures moderate.

It has stopped raining (other than the fog), so it is time to make sure your garden is getting enough water.

What's in bloom?

  1. Annuals: ageratum, lobelia, nasturtiums, petunia, sweet alyssum, and sweet William.
  2. Perennials: daylily, carnation, felicia, geranium, and marguerite.
  3. Bulb(like): gladiolus, Japanese iris, and lily.
  4. Shrubs: fuchsia, hibiscus, and rose.
  5. Vines: bougainvillea, clematis, and star jasmine.
  6. Natives: clarkia, columbine, mariposa lily, Matilija poppy, and Western azalea.
What should you buy? ;-)
  1. Annuals: impatiens, marigold, and petunia.
  2. Perennials: agapanthus, daylily, geranium, and marguerite.
  3. Shrubs: fuchsia, hibiscus, and hydrangea.
  4. Summer veggies.


Trees, Shrubs, and Vines


Lawns and Ground Covers




Container Gardens

Kitchen Garden: Vegetables and Herbs


House, greenhouse, or conservatory plants


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