Paper Making

Tin Can Papermaking

Project designed by Arnold Grummer.


Tin Can Papermaking by Arnold Grummer

  1. Set up cans for papermaking by stacking cans and screens. Stack them from bottom up: large can with bottom intact, hardware cloth, window screen, tulle fabric, and second large can without bottom. Take care to line up cans exactly.
  2. Place paper recyclables and 2 to 2-1/2 cups of water in a blender. Blend to make paper pulp.
  3. Empty pulp from blender into two cups. Pour the pulp from two cups simultaneously into the top can. The paper pulp should form a sheet on the screen.
  4. Cover the sheet with a second piece of window screen.
  5. Dab the screen-covered pulp with a sponge to remove excess water. Transfer paper pulp sheet to a paper towel.
  6. Press the paper sheet between two paper towels using a small wooden block.
  7. Remove paper sheet. Iron dry on both sides.
Arnold Grummer
Artist, author and President of Greg Markim, Inc.
PO Box 13245
Milwaukee, WI 53213
Phone: 414-453-1480
Toll-Free: 800-453-1485
Fax: 414-453-1495

Tin Can Papermaking: Recycle for Earth and Art
by Arnold E. Grummer (ISBN: 0938251015)
Greg Markim Inc.
PO Box 13245
Milwaukee, WI 53213
Phone: 414-453-1480
Toll-Free: 800-453-1485
Fax: 414-453-149
5 Web site:

Tin Can Papermaking Kit
Greg Markim Inc.
PO Box 13245
Milwaukee, WI 53213
Phone: 414-453-1480
Toll-Free: 800-453-1485
Fax: 414-453-1495
Web site:

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