October: To Do

If you print out this page, you should get little boxes where the bullets are, making this a check list.

 Oh, and if you really think that I actually do all of these things, you are terribly confused. Sometimes I even (gasp) do things that aren't on this list.

I can only guarrentee this list is accurate for the things that I grow. I do not grow every item on this list. This list is targetted to Sunset Zone 14, specifically, and I think it is good for all of USDA Zone 9. In addition, it is probably pretty accurate for USDA Zones 10-11.


General (or it never ends)

Trees and Shrubs


Lawns and Ground Covers




Container Gardens

Kitchen Garden: Vegetables and Herbs


House, greenhouse, or conservatory plants

Other: Structural and Special

A printable version for October.

To Do Index


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