Aerobic Fitness | General Fitness | Resistance Training | Special Interest | Nutrition

Jennifer's exercise philosophy

Aerobic Fitness

* The Exercise Video FAQ
* Over 700 patterns for your aerobic classes.
* Teaching aerobic dance to the hearing impaired.
* Warm-up & Cool-down: are they really necessary?
* Using hand weights while stepping
* Stepping: how fast is too fast?
* Stepping: what tempos are recommended for which fitness levels?
* I do aerobics; why should I do strength training?
* Does using handweights during aerobic exercise increase the aerobic intensity of the workout?
* How high should my step be?
* How can I preferentially burn fat?
* Will I burn more fat if I exercise in the morning on an empty stomach?
* Does cardio burn muscle?
* Does cardio burn muscle? A second, more technical explanation.

Aerobic Fitness | General Fitness | Resistance Training | Special Interest | Nutrition

General Fitness

* Women's Sports Foundation * Obesity & Fitness
* How much exercise should I do?
* Do I need a stress test?
* What are healthy bodyfat levels?
* Bill Whedon's Fitness Page
* The Internet's Fitness Resource Lots of links.
* American College of Sports Medicine
* What's better? Aerobics or weight training?
* Overtraining
Aerobic Fitness | General Fitness | Resistance Training | Special Interest | Nutrition

Resistance Training

* The Women's Weightlifting Links 'n' Lessons This is an excellent site with information that is good for anyone regardless of gender.
* Weight Training and Structural Kinesiology
* The abdominal-training faq is maintained by Tim Mansfield.
* More Challenging Abs
* Bobbie's Bodacious Abs
* All about squats
* What's so bad about situps, anyway?
* What do you burn during anaerobic exercise?
* Learn Bodybuilding

Aerobic Fitness | General Fitness | Resistance Training | Special Interest | Nutrition

Special Interest

* SportsMedWeb, a non-profit, educational site designed for endurance athletes. This site has quite a bit of information on injury, physiology, nutrition, stretching, and much more.
* Masters Athlete Physiology & Performance
* Weight Training and Children
* Exercise during pregnancy updated
* Running on Full, running during pregnancy.
* Ow! My shins hurt
* Jumping in Volleyball

Aerobic Fitness | General Fitness | Resistance Training | Special Interest | Nutrition


* What is the difference between calories from fat and calories from other sources?
* Nutrition Analysis Tool

Aerobic Fitness | General Fitness | Resistance Training | Special Interest | Nutrition

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